The Safety Protocol for activities at Good Shepherd:

To maintain a safe, healthy environment in church during Sunday Service, the following procedures will be practiced:

If you do not feel well, have a cold, coughing or sneezing or any other symptom that would indicate your health is in question, do not come to church.

During the Passing of the Peace, please remain in your pew, turn and greet each other with a bow and wish other parishioners the peace of Christ. At this time, we still discourage handshaking and hugging.

Notes on Communion:

In our Church, we use a common chalice. If you do not feel comfortable with the use of a common chalice, you may opt to receive Communion in one form only. In other words, you may choose to receive the bread, and not the wine. Our Church understands that all the blessings of a full Communion are received even if the communicant only consumes in one form.

If you wish to receive from the chalice, approach the chalice bearer and help guide the chalice to your lips.

You may present the Body of Christ for intinction: the chalice bearer will take the Host from your palm, dip it into the chalice, and then place it on your tongue. Sticking out your tongue to make a landing pad is helpful. Only the chalice bearer may dip (intinct) the Sacred Host. Please understand that you may not do this yourself.

If you have difficulty walking or require any assistance, please ask the usher for assistance.